Outreachy: The Night Before

As the clock ticks closer to midnight, here I am, surrounded by the soft glow of my trusty Lenovo tablet, the click-clack of my keyboard, and the silent affirmation of my mouse. They’re not just gadgets; they’re my comrades-in-arms as I gear up for a thrilling escapade into the world of open-source with Outreachy!

I read my acceptance email an unhealthy amount of times. Am I really in? Pinch me! (Okay maybe don't pinch me, but you get the feeling right?). 

This night, sleep is definitely a distant dream. My excitement is too palpable. I just hope there won't be any need for video calls tomorrow because I will probably look like I am related to racoons after being unable to sleep. Sophie Bui and Logan Ward, my Outreachy mentors, have already extended a warm welcome. I really look forward to working with them and learning from them.

I will be sharing my open source journey here, baby steps though.

Why Blogger? 

Well, it’s like that worn-out teddy bear from childhood that’s seen better days but still gets the prime spot on the bed. Google Workspace is basically my comfort zone, and Blogger? It’s a familiar little corner where I can spin tales of code, collaboration, and community.

Rewind to the application saga. I’ve been an Outreachy fan for a bit, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the stars to align. And then, Parsl project appeared on the horizon, it was a ‘now or never’ moment, and I took a hopeful leap in the direction of the Parsl documentation. After weeks of research, ideating, and deliberating on what I could contribute I put in my application and the rest is history.

From Inkscape to GIMP to Command-R, open-source tools have been my silent benefactors. Now, it’s my turn to weave my own thread into this vast tapestry and be a part of an amazing community.

So, here’s to the night before the first day, to the jitters, the last-minute prep and the inability to sleep. To the newbies out there, take it from me: it’s okay to feel like a cat on a hot tin roof. Just remember, every coder was once a newbie, every doc once a blank page.

Let’s do this!

Helpful Stuff

Outreachy website: Outreachy.org

Parsl Project website: https://parsl-project.org/


  1. Wishing you all the best as you undertake this new journey in your career advancement.

  2. You are welcome!♥️❤️😍😍💃💃


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