Outreachy: Contributing to Open Source Projects from your Android


Contributing to open source is not just for developers with powerful machines, with your android device and a little ingenuity, you can dive into the world of open source projects and help improve them. Let's get started using Parsl as a case study.

What is Parsl and Why Should You Care?

Parsl is a high-performance parallel programming library that simplifies the process of executing tasks concurrently. In a nutshell, it's like having a team of experts working on different aspects of a project simultaneously, leading to faster and more efficient results. By contributing to Parsl, you're not just helping the project; you're gaining invaluable experience with a tool that's shaping the future of computing



Termux is an open source terminal emulator that transforms your Android device into a development powerhouse. It gives you access to a Linux-like environment, complete with a command line and all the tools you need to contribute to open source projects. 

Key Features:

  • Terminal Emulation: Emulates a standard Linux terminal environment, providing access to common shell commands and utilities.  
  • Multiple Shells: Supports various shells like Bash, Zsh, and Fish, giving you flexibility in your command-line interface.  
  • Customizable: Personalize the appearance with different color schemes and fonts.  
  • Mouse Support: Navigate and interact with terminal applications using mouse or touch gestures.  
  • Package Management: Access to a vast collection of Linux packages through the APT package manager.  
  • Programming Languages: Supports popular languages like Python, Ruby, Perl, and Node.js for scripting and development.  
  • Editors and Tools: Install text editors like nano, Emacs, or Vim, along with development tools and debuggers.  
  • SSH Access: Connect securely to remote servers using the built-in SSH client.  
  • Termux API Add-on: Access Android hardware features and functionalities through the command line.  
  • Add-ons: Extend Termux with various add-ons for customizing the terminal, running scripts at boot, or creating floating windows.  


Acode is a free and open-source code editor for Android devices. It's designed to provide a powerful and lightweight coding environment for developers on the go.

Key Features:

  • Versatile Editor: Edit a wide range of file types, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Java, and more.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Supports over 100 programming languages with customizable themes.
  • Plugin System: Extend functionality with a growing collection of plugins.
  • GitHub Integration: Seamlessly connect to your GitHub repositories.
  • FTP/SFTP Support: Manage files on remote servers.
  • Web IDE: Build and run websites directly within the app.
  • Interactive Console: Debug JavaScript code with ease.
  • In-App Preview: Instantly view HTML and Markdown files.


Step 1: Install Termux and Acode

  1. Download and install Termux from the Google Play Store.
  2. Download and install Acode, a powerful code editor, also from the Play Store.

Step 2: Equip Termux with Git

Open Termux and install Git:

pkg install git

Step 3: Configure Git

  1. Set your name and email:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your_email@example.com"

GITHUB ESSENTIALS: Forks, Clones, and Pull Requests

  • Forking: Creating your own copy of the Parsl repository on GitHub. This is your personal sandbox to experiment and make changes without affecting the original project.
  • Cloning: Downloading your forked repository to your Android device using Git.
  • Pull Request (PR): A formal request to merge your changes from your fork into the main Parsl repository. This triggers a review process by the maintainers.

Step 4: Fork and Clone the Parsl Repository

  1. Visit the Parsl repository on GitHub: https://github.com/Parsl/parsl
  2. Click "Fork" (usually at the top right).
    3. In Termux, navigate to a suitable directory:
cd /storage/emulated/0/
  1. Clone your fork:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/parsl.git
  1. Enter the cloned directory:
cd parsl

Step 5: Connect to the Upstream Repository

git remote add upstream https://github.com/Parsl/parsl.git

This allows you to sync your fork with the latest changes from the main Parsl repository.

Step 6: Branch Out

Create a new branch to work on your contribution:

git checkout -b my-feature-branch

(Replace my-feature-branch with a descriptive name)

Step 7: Craft Your Contribution

Open the Parsl files in Acode and make your changes. Whether it's fixing a bug, adding a feature, or improving documentation, every contribution counts!

Step 8: Commit and Push

  1. Stage your changes:
git add .
  1. Commit with a message:
git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message"
  1. Push to your fork:
git push origin my-feature-branch

Step 9: Submit a Pull Request

  1. Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
  2. Click the "New pull request" button.
  3. Carefully describe your changes and why they're beneficial.
  4. Submit!

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Permission Issues: Grant storage permissions to Termux in your Android settings if needed.
  • SSH Keys: If you are using SSH, follow GitHub's guide on generating and adding SSH keys.

Additional Resources

After this you're ready to join the world of open source and contribute to Parsl on your android device. 


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